Dissemination activities will be undertaken as a part of an overall strategy created by IDConsortium as dissemination manager. WP6 is devoted to communication, dissemination and exploitation. In this WP, all dissemination activities, to be carried out for the entire duration of the project, are taken into account. A preliminary plan for dissemination and exploitation of results will be delivered at an early stage of the project (M12) after discussing its contents during the 1st year of the project. It is important to say that the plan mentioned previously will begin as soon as there are results available; thus, respecting the exploitation strategies to know which results can be disseminated and which ones not. The consortium is aware that the project’s dissemination activities will play a crucial role in the success of exploitation, further development and maturation of the resulting technologies. The deployment of the results will be supported by an exploitation plan that will be regularly examined and, if needed updated.