Press release to announce the start of the project and the kick-off meeting

PRODIGIO, the EU project aimed at boosting microalgae biogas production, starts During the project’s kick-off meeting, which was held last January, the partners explained not only the role and responsibilities of everyone but also the main objectives and research lines of the project. The EU project PRODIGIO, coordinated by the Institut de Ciències del Mar...

Workshop on aquatic biotechnology (I-BE-C 2021)

The 1st International Bioenergy and Environment Congress (I-BE-C) « From Photosynthesis to Biotechnology » The BIAM institute (Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7265) CEA – CNRS – Aix-Marseille University which is interested in the responses of living organisms to environmental constraints and the mechanisms of energy bioconversion and...

4th International Metaproteomics Symposium

About the Symposium Metaproteomics is the large-scale characterisation of the entire protein complement of a microbiota directly from an environment at a given point in time.  Research examining environmental and human-associated microbiomes via multi-omics is expending rapidly. Especially, functional meta-omic approaches such as metaproteomics are currently employed intensively and provide a more comprehensive picture of...

“Low-TRL Renewable Energy Technologies” Workshop

We are pleased to announce that PRODIGIO project will be part of the "Low-TRL Renewable Energy Technologies" workshop at Sustainable Places 2021 conference in Rome, Italy on Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2021. According to the event website, "This 90-minute hybrid workshop will bring together six low-TRL (technology readiness level) EU-funded research & innovation projects...

The 5th H2020 Biofuels Workshop Organized by CINEA

On the 14th and 15th of October 2021, CINEA is organizing its 5th H2020 Biofuels Workshop, which includes representatives from several H2020 projects that deal with Biofuels. The online event will gather all ongoing projects in the area of Biofuels to share their thoughts, exchange experiences and information, present their project to relevant European Commission...

PARAQUA Newsletter Issue#2

Let’s introduce our new WG3 Leader, prof. Francisco Gabriel Acien Fernandez and his institution The University of Almeria, as a member of PARAQUA COST Action, will collaborate to understand the biological phenomena that take place in microalgae-related processes, especially contamination and diseases arising from the presence of pathogenic predators that severely reduce the performance of...