The goal of WP7 is to coordinate, to monitor, and to structure the project development, ensuring dynamic and efficient governance of the project.
- Task 7.1. Team and project coordination
In order to be able to coordinate effectively the project, there will be general coordination of the joint activities will be handled by Dr. Pedro Cermeño, the Project Coordinator (CSIC, Spain). All communication with the EC will be performed by the PC. The PC will run the day-to-day project coordination with the support of the PMT (Project Management Team), in addition to the interface with the Commission. They will meet quarterly to monitor the project progress. PC will ensure the smooth overall progress of the work plan. Within this task, it will lead the review of management reports to be submitted to the EC. The PMT will prepare the kick-off meeting materials (agenda, facilities to meet, documents to discuss, notes of the meeting…), project reports including the final project report and other reports and documents (included in the deliverables list), which will be submitted to the EC by the PC and distributed among the consortium partners. The PMT will review the draft reports and offer input for future activities. The PC with the support of PMT will be actively involved with all management and technical parts with respect to the submissions of reports. - Task 7.2. Research data management
IDConsortium, supported by the Project Management Team (PMT), will establish and update a Data Management Plan (DMP) for the different types of data generated and used in the project, in compliance with the Horizon 2020 Open Access policy. It will detail whether and how the different types of data will be exploited and/or made accessible for verification and re-use, as well as how it will be handled and preserved throughout the entire data management life cycle. The DMP will ensure a level of uniformity and alignment between the project partners’ practices. The plan will be updated when required, with one updated version that will be delivered at M18. The initial data management plan will be discussed during the kick-off meeting and the required updates to the second and third DMP will be discussed during the project meetings preceding the deadlines. This task will also ensure that all the data generated is appropriately deposited in permanent and publicly accessible repositories (ENA, EMBL-EBI, GitHub, PANGAEA) once the project ends and the data can be made available to the general public. The data generated during the project will be stored securely on the MarBits server (ICM-CSIC) for internal use only by the consortium partners under the use of a security password. - Task 7.3 Project Progress Reports’ technical coordination and quality management
The Technical Manager (TM) will be in charge of the supervision and monitoring of the progress of the different tasks and supporting the PC in the supervision of the technical deliverables and reports. The Quality Manager (QM) will ensure effective quality management of the project, in terms of quality of the deliverables and successful implementation of WPs and tasks. The QM activities are:
- Development of a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP).
- Evaluation of project deliverables according to the criteria defined in QAP.
- Quality monitoring of the execution of WPs and tasks.
- Managing any quality issue with respect to the project and establishing actions (preventive or corrective) when necessary. CSIC will lead this task due to its experience in managing research projects of similar nature.
- Task 7.4 Financial and Administrative coordination
The Administrative Manager (AM) will manage the funding of each partner and prepare the financial reports to be submitted to the EC. The PC will supervise all the consortium’s finances, and funds transfer, in accordance with the Commission regulations and the EC Grant Agreement. It will also manage legal matters. All participants will be asked and helped by the Project Executive Board (PEB) to provide written information for financial reports, including details that outline how the financial resources were used. The PC will review the draft reports and offer inputs for aspects of future activities. This task will also include the generation of audit certificates by the participants if necessary, follow up of EC payments, and monitoring of the project costs. All financial reports will be transferred to the Commission by the PC. The AM will be in charge of the necessary actions for the achievement of a fair and effective internal administration within the consortium to meet EC requirements:
- Designing and maintaining partner-specific templates for collecting input to the required EU documents.
- Implementing and maintaining a project-specific database for reporting and controlling, including the adaptation of the structure after changes in the work plan and the consortium.
- Implementing and maintaining the project infrastructure, e.g., the internal platform for information exchange and email lists.
- Day-to-day administrative issues including handling of the project correspondence and the requests from partners and external bodies.
- Assistance to individual project partners on administrative issues.