The CDTI, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Commission, organizes the 11th Conference of the Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union in Spain, under the slogan “The new Horizon for Europe”. The aim of the Conference is to analyze the first year of operation of Horizon Europe, as well...

Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery Conference (IWA)

This Virtual Conference is dedicated to prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz for his contribution in nutrient removal and recovery on the IWA forum and water quality in Poland over the last 25 years. In the introductory session, prof. Oleszkiewicz will give a special lecture on “Sustainable wastewater treatment compatible with new regulations”. The lecture will be followed...

Nutrient Recycling Community

Working Group on Technologies for nutrient recycling For more information download the PDF brochure.

4th International Conference on Biogas Microbiology

Disentangling microbial changes upon organic loading rate disturbances in anaerobic reactors Biogas microbiology involves microorganisms with diverse physiological traits, establishing interactions and networks in microbial communities. It is therefore a complex and broad topic. Biogas generation occurs in natural and engineered man-made systems. Knowledge on physiology and diversity of these microorganisms is pivotal to better...

Microalgas y bacterias: Herramientas biotecnológicas en agricultura sostenible

Durante la jornada se dará a conocer como la utilización de las microalgas y bacterias pueden ayudar a mejorar la sostenibilidad de la producción agraria. Cada día aumenta la conciencia social de la necesidad de un desarrollo más sostenible.  En esta línea la estrategia ‘Del Campo a la mesa’ de la Unión Europea recoge, entre otros objetivos, la reducción...

Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS 2022)

Following the previous ‘Young Algaeneers Symposia’ (YAS) in Wageningen 2012, Montpellier 2014, Malta 2016, Oban 2018, and the first online YAS 2021, YAS 2022 will be organized with the support of the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA). EABA expresses the importance of connecting with the young algaeneers, and invites you to join and meet them...

International Society for Applied Phycology

EU projects devoted to the elucidation of microalgae-bacteria interactions in large-scale systems Microalgae are mainly used in human-related applications such as the production of cosmetics, nutraceuticals and foods. However, they have a large potential to contribute to other relevant applications such as the production of biopesticides, biostimulants or aquafeed. To further develop these applications the...

18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology

Lausanne Lausanne, Swaziland

ISME18 is the 18th edition of our non-profit symposium and is organized by the International Society for Microbial Ecology.

European Researchers’ Night – 13th edition


The European Researchers’ Night is a Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) action, under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe; it consists of a pan-European event taking place on the last weekend of September. The European Researchers’ Night Madrid is coordinated by Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d. Science, Universities and Innovation Department of...

XI Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales

Este XI Simposio pretende ser un foro de encuentro e intercambio de ideas entre los jóvenes investigadores. Se desea generar un entorno para además de presentar resultados científicos, ideas y proyectos, se compartan perspectivas y así debatir temas de nuestro interés. En esta edición volvemos a la presencialidad del Simposio, dando así continuidad al evento...