The PRODIGIO project has developed early-warning systems to enhance the reliability and efficiency of microalgae cultivation and anaerobic digestion for sustainable biogas production
PRODIGIO featured in The Conversation journal: Exploring the potential of microalgae
The PRODIGIO project presents its results at the Final Conference
The PRODIGIO team presented its findings at the Final Conference on Monday, 17th June 2024. This event took place during the ISAP 2024, themed “Algae 2030: Challenges and Opportunities,” in Oporto, Portugal.
AWI researchers employ Mass Spectrometry to analyse organic fraction in Anaerobic Digestion
Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) have employed mass spectrometry techniques to characterize the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in selected samples.
Prodigio project to present successful results at Final Conference
The Prodigio project is nearing its completion, marking the culmination of a successful journey filled with anticipated results.
NMBU Presents the PRODIGIO Project at the Nordic Proteomics Society
Metaproteomics – status, challenges, opportunities, and future directions of the field. NMBU made a break through at the Nordic Proteomics Society meeting held in Lund, Sweden, from 15 to 17th November 2023.
ARMINES (OIE) engages in Life Cycle Management discussions at LCM 2023 Conference in Lille, France
ARMINES unveils methodological protocol from PRODIGIO framework for Life Cycle Assessment models. ARMINES (OIE) participated in the Life Cycle Management 2023 (LCM 2023) Conference in Lille, France, held from 6-8th September 2023.
IMDEA Energy is participating in the 15th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering (XV-MECCE) in Barcelona, Spain
IMDEA Energy presents the main findings from the organic loading rate shock experiment conducted within the PRODIGIO project. IMDEA Energy participated in the 15th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering (XV-MECCE) in Barcelona, Spain.
The PRODIGIO project was presented at the meeting of the PARAQUA COST Action
PRODIGIO participated this autumn in PARAQUA workshop. The PRODIGIO project was presented at the meeting of the PARAQUA COST Action, held in Almeria in September 2023, which focused on the identification of parasites in microalgae cultures.
The PRODIGIO Consortium convenes in Barcelona for concluding meetings
PRODIGIO partners exchange expertise and plan the final conference. The PRODIGIO consortium recently concluded its annual consortium meeting on 18th and 19th October at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) in Barcelona, Spain.
Growing sustainable biogas in Europe with microalgae
Large-scale biogas production from microscopic organisms is challenging, particularly as living systems can become unstable and die off. The EU‑funded PRODIGIO project seeks tools to predict these breakdowns.
Green Gas Mobility Summit abre las puertas de La Nave a Prodigio
Green Gas Mobility Summit es el evento de referencia sobre transporte sostenible en la Península Ibérica. Durante dos días, expertos de primer nivel analizarán el presente y el futuro de las soluciones tecnológicas que ya hay disponibles para alcanzar los objetivos climáticos y mejorar la calidad del aire, como el biometano, el gas sintético y el hidrógeno.
IMDEA Energy is coordinating two new projects on the theme of anaerobic digestion
Both projects in the frame of “Strategic projects oriented towards the digital and ecological transition”. The aim of RAVIOLIC (2022-2024) Project is to develop an efficient production of bioethanol through the anaerobic fermentation of organic wastes using an open-mixed culture.
University of Almeria is a partner in a new horizon europe project about microalgae
The project is led by two companies such as Necton and Biorizon Biotech, with up to 12 partners participating in it. The University of Almeria is now involved in the REALM project (H2020 EU 101060991) focused on the reuse of nutrients and water from drainage water from agriculture activities.
Microbial indicators of anaerobic digestion failure upon organic loading rates disturbances
IMDEA Energy has participated in IWA-Young Waters Professionals Conference (Valencia, Spain) to present a poster with the main results found in the first experiments performed within Prodigio project.
What is Algae Culture?
Algae are a very diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that include microalgae and seaweeds (or macroalgae). As photosynthetic organisms, they use sunlight energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce biomass.
The algae-eating microbiome that lives inside an anaerobic reactor
The world is in desperate need of energy sources beyond today’s fossil fuels. In one of the more promising renewable energy systems, oxygen-free, or so-called anaerobic reactors are used to produce biogas, which can be utilized as bio-based fuel.
Empirical dynamic modeling for mechanistic understanding and prediction of bioreactors
The overall goal of WP3 is to analyse the mechanisms underlying the productivity decreases in microalgal PBRs, identify early warning signals and evaluate, from the whole set of identified signals, those that meet the specified criteria of scalability, reliability, and affordability.
Presentation of WP5 Sustainability Assessment
The overall goal of WP 5, led by ARMINES, is to evaluate and compare the potential environmental, economic and social impacts of energy production from microalgal biogas with and without the early-warning technologies developed in PRODIGIO and to identify the most sensitive aspects to be considered for future commercial application.
NTU scientist develops a novel method
An international team investigate the link between time-varying interaction networks and community stability in natural systems.
Dynamic modeling for the Life Cycle sustainability assessment of microalgal bioenergy.
The performance of PRODIGIO developments should be evaluated according to environmental economic and social criteria to ensure the improvement capacity of early-warning systems compared to systems without such technology.
Forensic chemical fingerprinting of bioreactor performance
Within PRODIGIO, we use chemical information to detect early-stage changes in the biological processes and prospective failure of the PRODIGIO bioreactors.
ICM-CSIC visits Universidad de Almería (UAL) facilities
On November the 24th, a team from the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona (Spain) visited the facilities of University of Almería (UAL) in Almería (Spain), where the experimental facilities for microalgal cultivation are located.
A Communication and Dissemination Plan for the Next Generation of Renewable Energy by Exploiting Microalgae Capabilities
The COP26 world summit was recently held in Glasgow with the aim of reaching a global agreement on greenhouse gas emissions and alleviating the problem of global warming.
Progress and Challenges in Microalgal Large-Scale Production
Microalgae have been proposed as an alternative to conventional processes for the supply of foods and feeds, biomaterials and biofuels, and including for wastewater treatment and capture of CO2 from flue gases.
Read How PRODIGIO Project is Ready to Contribute to Net-Zero Emission Target by 2050
There is a long way before the world fully adopts, if possible, to net-zero emission. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently published its report (click here to view the report or download from the link below) of a pathway to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, no matter how narrow the path, it is expected to bring huge benefits.
Manipulation of the Anaerobic Fermentation Process to Produce Carboxylates and Biogas
Energy in the form of biogas can be obtained via anaerobic degradation of organic wastes. This process is carried out by a mixture of microorganisms that work synergistically.
Earth Day!
This day is about empowering and expanding the environmental movement. As the health and wellbeing of every human being are closely interlinked with the health of our planet, fighting climate change requires persistent action on many levels.
SPEAD 1.0 – Simulating Plankton Evolution with Adaptive Dynamics in a two-trait continuous fitness landscape applied to the Sargasso Sea
Diversity plays a key role in the adaptive capacity of marine ecosystems to environmental changes. However, modelling the adaptive dynamics of phytoplankton traits remains challenging due to the competitive exclusion of sub-optimal phenotypes and the complexity of evolutionary processes leading to optimal phenotypes.
An EU-funded Project About Increasing Microalgae Biomass Production is Underway
We are pleased to announce the start of an EU-funded project where its goal is to develop new technologies (or knowledge) to increase microalgae biomass production; hence advance the research for more sustainable bio-fuels.
La UAL participa en el proyecto PRODIGIO de mejora de la producción industrial de microalgas
En enero comenzó la iniciativa en la que participa la Universidad de Almería y que en los próximos tres años espera dar un impulso a la producción de microalgas a escala industrial.
La UAL participa en el proyecto ‘Prodigio’ para mejorar y estabilizar la producción industrial de microalgas
En enero de este año ha comenzado el proyecto europeo PRODIGIO, en el que participa la Universidad de Almería, que en los próximos tres años espera dar un impulso a la producción de microalgas a escala industrial.
Proyecto PRODIGIO: Optimización de la bioconversión de biomasa algal en biogás a escala industrial
El cultivo de microalgas permite recuperar nutrientes de aguas residuales, dando lugar a un agua limpia y a una biomasa algal que puede valorizarse mediante digestión anaerobia en energía (biogás).
See How Algae Could Change Our World
Charles Greene is a climate scientist who looks at the impact of climate on marine ecosystems. He’s a Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University and member of the Marine Algae Industrialization Consortium (MAGIC) which has a grant from the Department of Energy to look into the commercial viability of algal biofuels.
PRODIGIO, the EU project aimed at boosting microalgae biogas production, starts
During the project’s kick-off meeting, which was held last January, the partners explained not only the role and responsibilities of everyone but also the main objectives and research lines of the project.
Most Efficient Source Of Fuel May Be Tiniest Organism
Algae often gets a bad rap — for creating dead zones in the ocean and toxic pond scum when the “wrong” algae blooms. But it also has a talent that may help people around the world.
The Opportunity for Algae in Carbon Utilization
A recent report by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) takes a close look at using carbon emissions as a feedstock to more efficiently decarbonize economies around the world. The authors identify an enormous opportunity for algae.
The second big wave of crop domestication is happening within our lifetimes
Microalgae are invisible to the human eye, and yet under certain circumstances, they can achieve densities visible from space. In keeping, we often overlook their vast influence on our most valuable ecosystems.
Microbiome innovations for a sustainable future
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being integrated into bioeconomy strategies around the world, including the European Green Deal. We highlight how microbiome-based innovations can contribute to policies that interface with the SDGs and argue that international cooperation in microbiome science is crucial for success.
Reconstructing large interaction networks from empirical time series data
Reconstructing interactions from observational data is a critical need for investigating natural biological networks, wherein network dimensionality is usually high. However, these pose a challenge to existing methods that can quantify only small interaction networks.